EIPS Information

Student Transportation

Student transportation is provided at no cost to all students living greater than 2.39 km from school.   Families accessing payride or school-of-choice busing pay a fee for this service. General information, applicable fees, and FAQs about busing are available on the Student Transportation page of the EIPS' division website.

All families using EIPS' student transportation services should have received a letter in May outlining route information and times as well as applicable fees. We encourage parents to take advantage of the EIPS' secure online payment option to pay transportation fees.


School Preparedness

Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) first priority during an emergency is the safety of our students and staff. The division has developed an Emergency Response Plan and framework to deal with a wide range of potential emergencies. The plan framework called Hour Zeroworks in collaboration with first responders and other local emergency preparedness plans. Division and individual school plans are reviewed and revised annually and following each emergency.  

The division and school emergency plan uses well established functional protocols and procedures that address a wide variety of incidents.  The particular actions taken during any emergency will depend on the specifics of the incident. Each school year a minimum of 6 evacuation drills and an additional two drills which may include, shelter in place, hold and secure or lock down are conducted. School bus evacuation drills are also conducted on an annual basis. These drills and exercises are precautionary actions designed to prepare students and staff to act quickly and to minimize a child’s fear should a real emergency occur.

During an emergency please do not come to the school to pick up your child unless requested to do so.  Although your natural instincts in an emergency may be to go to the school to safeguard your child, please understand that doing so may interfere with emergency crews’ and school personnel’s effort to respond to the situation. 

For more information please go to http;//www.eips.ca/emergency-preparedness 


Inclement Weather

We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents to dress children appropriately for the weather when getting ready for school or the bus. The weather often changes unexpectedly throughout the day, so please select suitable outerwear and ensure your child is prepared for changing conditions. 

Should inclement weather conditions occur, Elk Island Public Schools (EIPS) will advise parents of any bus cancellations using various communications tools including: automated-telephone messages, alerts posted on www.eips.ca and school websites, Twitter, and local radio stations. Any morning bus cancellations will be posted on www.eips.ca by 6:30 a.m. 

Decisions regarding bus cancellations are guided by EIPS administrative procedures, which says: School bus service may be suspended when Environment Canada reports a temperature of -40 C including wind chill factor, in one or more regions. School bus services may also be suspended or delayed due to adverse weather or road condition and on a region-by-region or route-by-route basis. 

When school bus services are suspended, schools will remain open to students. EIPS believes parents have the right and responsibility to make choices for their children based on their beliefs and perceptions of safety during times of inclement weather. Parents must use discretion when sending children to school during inclement weather, even when buses are running and schools are open. 

For more information, contact Student Transportation at 780-417-8151.